Giusti Balsamic Vinegar "4 medals IV Centenary"

Aceto Balsamico Giusti 4 medaglie IV Centenario

Giusti Balsamic Vinegar "4 medals IV Centenary"

Fourth Centenary - Quality "4 Gold Medals"

Pack of: 0,250 L

€ 34,50
Country Italia
Region Emilia Romagna
Ingredients concentrated must of red grapes, wine vinegar. Acidity 6%
Allergens sulfites
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This special quality of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is a limited production created to celebrate the four centuries of Giusti’s activities. Fourth Centenary, obtained from the most precious grapes, is aged for many years in precious barrels dating back to the 1800’s, drawing aromas and flavours left centuries before.
Full bodied, with an unmistakable aromatic bouquet and a lasting sweet aftertaste, it is an exceptional complement for many recipes. On a grilled steack or sautéed chicken, a wedge of Parmigiano Reggiano, fresh strawberries or ice cream, through to relishing it sipped from a spoon as a true elixir.

Prodotto da: Gran Deposito Aceto Balsamico Giuseppe Giusti - Modena

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