Champagne Paul Bara COMTESSE Marie de France 2014

 Champagne Paul Bara COMTESSE Marie de France 2005

Champagne Paul Bara COMTESSE Marie de France 2014

Paul Bara Top Wine…

Pack of: 0.750 L

Out of stock
Country Francia
Region Champagne
Allergens sulfites
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Seductive, with its pretty light gold-tinted colour and fine effervescence, this perfectly aged wine has a full nose that evokes juicy fruits like yellow peaches and very ripe apples… These are followed by candied notes. Close to honey, and pastry aromas that evoke delightful flavours of praline and nougat.
In the mouth, it is full and delectable, accentuanting the pleasures of the nose by adding a note of citrus peel, and a light peppery touch af the finish.

This rich, full and generous wine is an ideal accompaniment throughout an entire meal. It haronises perfectly with puff pastry dishes or poultry cooked with fruit.

Denominazione: Champagne AOC

Vitigni: Pinot Nero 100%

Tipologia: Champagne

Regione: Champagne

Nazione: Francia

Gradazione alcolica: 12%

Formato: 0,75 L

Altro: edizione limitata, bottiglie numerate

Produttore: Paul Bara - 4 Rue Yvonnet, 51150 Bouzy, Francia

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