Arbutus Honey

Arbutus Honey

Arbutus Honey

A honey very rare and complex, with a consistency "granular" and a characteristic bitter aftertaste.

Pack of: 250 g

€ 27,50
Country Italia
Region Sardegna
Ingredients Arbutus Honey
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It is a precious honey, produced almost exclusively in Sardinia in very limited quantities. Its rarity is due to the fact that the flowering of strawberry is very advanced, it goes from October to December.

Honey obtained from the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) occurs in liquid amber, but crystallizes very quickly then taking a color from brown to light brown; it smells quite strong and very original, ranging from notes of sensations "mou" other decidedly balsamic and a decidedly bitter flavor, nicely balanced by the sweet and aromatic components. Excellent with cheese or in desserts fine.

At this honey are also recognized numerous beneficial properties: the high concentration of glucose and fructose and the acid pH play an antibacterial action, due also to the activation of the enzyme glucose oxidase which during ingestion free gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide . Sardinia is traditionally used as a sleep inducer, taking it before going to bed, or cough suppressant in acute respiratory disease, and chronic asthma.

The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo, Ericaceae family) is an evergreen plant, typical of the Mediterranean, in demeanor from bush or tree that produces edible red fruits, often used for the production of handmade jams. Limited production and territorially circumscribed ago Honey arbutus one with the highest commercial value.

Paese di Origine: ITALIA - Sede di produzione e confezionamento: Apicoltura Maxia- Desulo (NU) - Sardegna - Alcune informazioni (es. lotto, eventuale data di scadenza o altro indipendentemente da noi), potrebbero differire rispetto a quanto evidenziato sul sito; in caso di dubbi non esitate a contattarci via mail. Verificate sempre quanto riportato in etichetta sul prodotto prima di consumarlo. Conservare in frigorifero dopo l'apertura.


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