Nebrodi Black Pig Ham - whole, with bone

Nebrodi Black Pig Ham - whole, with bone

Nebrodi Black Pig Ham - whole, with bone

Rare Sicilian ham, an ancient goodness...

Pack of: 5,9 Kg min.

Out of stock
Country Italia
Region Sicilia
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The Black Pig Nebrodi is a breed native Sicilian rustic and old, held grazing inside the Park of the Nebrodi Mountains, in the province of Messina.

These pigs blacks small in size and dark coat, very similar to wild pigs is in the features that habits, living in the woods Nebrodi wild and semi-wild state in large areas of pasture, feeding on acorns and berries and enriching their meat interesting aromas and flavors.

It comes with a generous strip of fat that gives great aroma and sweetness on the palate; today, to contribute to its preservation, this product has been elected a Slow Food Presidium.

Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 2562 kj – 613 kcal Proteine / Protein 20,9 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 0 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0 g) Grassi / Fat 58,8 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 36,4 g) Sale 2,0 g - Sede di produzione e responsabile delle informazioni: Bollo CEE IT 9-3219/L – IT B1D7M CE – Mirto (ME) Italia -

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Conservare al fresco. Dopo l’apertura, consumare entro breve tempo. Origine: ITALIA – Senza coloranti, conservanti e antibiotici dalla nascita. SENZA GLUTINE


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