Dodi Balsamic Vinegar Dressing - "Family reserve" 250ml

Condimento Balsamico Dodi - Riserva di famiglia

Dodi Balsamic Vinegar Dressing - "Family reserve" 250ml

Aged Balsamic Vinegar Acetaia Dodi Riserva di Famiglia - This balsamic vinegar dressing more than any other represents the history of the Dodi family.

Pack of: 0,250 L

€ 29,00
Country Italia
Region Emilia Romagna
Ingredients cooked grape must from local grapes.
Allergens sulfites
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A unique flavor, but easy to use, simple and precious, like the things of long ago. Perfect at any time of day and in any occasion, it is fantastic for every type of combination, from simple everyday dressing to the most elaborate food preparation. Ideal used raw to flavor salads, as a dip for raw vegetables, with boiled meats and sauces. It delicately flavors fish and meat.
A plain boiled fish flavored with a few drops becomes a refined delight. A unique accent for fruit salads, ice cream, custards and zabaioni. Packaged in an elegant box with inner wrapping of the complete history of the Riserva di Famiglia and exclusive dropper. Produced in Reggio Emilia from Acetaia Dodi and considered one of the best balsamic vinegar condiments produced in Italy!

The Dodi family is synonymous with balsamic and since 1891, wood casks for aging this honored vinegar have been gifted from family member to member.

Prodotto da: Acetaia Dodi – Albinea (RE) nello stabilimento Via Majakovski – Reggio Emilia

Condimento alimentare invecchiato per lungo tempo in botti selezionate di legni pregiati.

Valori Nutrizionali medi per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico 1380 kj - 329 kcal –Proteine 2,0 g Carboidrati 80 g (di cui zuccheri 79 g) Grassi 0 g (di cui saturi 0 g) Sale 0 g –Alcune informazioni (es. lotto, eventuale data di scadenza o altro indipendentemente da noi), potrebbero differire rispetto a quanto evidenziato sul sito; in caso di dubbi non esitate a contattarci via mail. Verificate sempre quanto riportato in etichetta sul prodotto prima di consumarlo.


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