Salame Felino I.G.P.

 Salame Felino I.G.P. (PR)

Salame Felino I.G.P.

Fear not, despite the name this is a pure pork salami!

Pack of: 800 g min.

Out of stock
Country Italia
Region Emilia Romagna
Ingredients carne di suino, sale, destrosio, spezie, conservanti: nitrito di potassio, nitrito di sodio.
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Salame Felino is produced traditionally with pure pork. The dough is made from lean pork for 75% hard fat and the remaining 25%. Grinding takes place with dies rather wide, obtaining a coarse dough which is added with salt, pepper and, usually, small amounts of potassium nitrate. After grinding, the mixture is stuffed into natural casings pig and is tied with string.

Salame Felino, consistency not elastic but compact, has a delicate aroma and flavor from a "rich" but sweet.

The real name of this extraordinary product typical, "Salame Felino", refers to the geographic area of the Province of Parma where, a few kilometers from the ducal city, lies the town of Felino, historic homeland that he gave his name.
It 'important to emphasize that the raw material is made up of strictly meat of pigs born, raised and slaughtered in Italy according to the same characteristics of farms and pigs used in the production chain of DOP Parma ham.
Only the "Salame Felino" is therefore the expression of a culture that charcuterie in a specific location along was formed, developed and maintained in a completely original developed into a well-defined geographical area in a "substantially" unchanged.


Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1600 kj – 385 kcal Proteine / Protein 30 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 1 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 1 g) Grassi / Fat 29 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 12 g) Sale 4 g - Origine carne: ITALIA – Riferimento produzione e informazioni nutrizionali: Bollo CEE IT 616L CE - La Felinese Salumi Spa - Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero. Dopo l’apertura, consumare in tempi brevi. Budello esterno NON edibile. SENZA GLUTINE


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