Taste "fresh" and delicate... that melts in your mouth!
The Arnad Lard, product designation of origin (PDO), is obtained from the only spallotto pigs weighing more than two tons from farms in the Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.
Adequately degreased and then squared, is left to mature in "doils" old containers of chestnut wood or oak, within which, the layers of lard are overlaid to the top, alternated with a mixture of salt, water, spices, herbs and aromatic mountain herbs. Here the lard is left to mature for at least three months. It's during this process that the product is realized, developing the smell and highly prized organoleptic characteristics which distinguish it.
Each slice is white when cut, with a possible grain of meat on the surface and slightly pink center. Tasting it melts in your mouth leaving the palate a pleasantly sweet taste.
Valori Nutrizionali Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 2503 kj – 608 kcal Proteine / Protein 3,5 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 0,5 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0,5 g) Grassi / Fat 66 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi of which saturates 20 g) Sale 3,9 g - Origine carne: ITALIA - Sede di produzione: Bollo CEE IT 1615 L CE - Italia - Alcune informazioni (es. lotto, eventuale data di scadenza o altro indipendentemente da noi), potrebbero differire rispetto a quanto evidenziato sul sito; in caso di dubbi non esitate a contattarci via mail. Verificate sempre quanto riportato in etichetta sul prodotto prima di consumarlo. Conservare in frigorifero. Dopo l’apertura, consumare entro 2-3 giorni.