In summary, the king of the washed-rind cheeses produced in Burgundy!
Superb masterpiece of the dairy, the Epoisses cheese is a vaccine "washed rind" with Marc de Bourgogne. The result is all the "smelly" as it is fascinating. Of course, we need a little 'courage to overcome the impact olfactory and taste it but, just decide to put in your mouth this superb and creamy delight, you'll arguments enough to erase any kind of injury. And if you are holding a good bottle of Pinot Noir de Bourgogne, why not try this combination of territory?
Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1204 kj – 291 kcal Grassi / Fat 24 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 17 g) Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 0 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0 g) Proteine / Protein 18 g Sale 1,8 - Sede di produzione / confezionamento Bollo CEE FR 21.247.001 CE – Epoisses - Francia -
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Conservare in frigorifero. Origine del Latte: Francia – Formaggio a pasta molle, con crosta EDIBILE.