Formai de Mut P.D.O. - Mountain pasture

 Formai de Mut dell'alta Val Brembana D.O.P.

Formai de Mut P.D.O. - Mountain pasture

From generation to generation, a cheese of the past…

Pack of: 250 g min.

Out of stock
Country Italia
Region Lombardia
Ingredients latte, sale, caglio
Allergens milk
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Formai de Mut Alta Val Brembana D.O.P. born on the pastures of the Alps Orobiche, in the province of Bergamo. It is a semi-cooked cheese, produced exclusively with whole cow's milk from one or two milkings and weak natural acidity.

The crust is thin, pale yellow in the forms young and grayish with the progress of aging. The paste, ivory slightly straw, is compact, elastic un'occhiatura widespread that "eye of partridge." The maturation is a minimum of 45 days, but can also be continued for several years. The flavor is delicate, slightly salty, not spicy; returns the aroma fragrance and scents fodder Alta Valle Brembana.

Excellent table cheese traditionally served with polenta Bergamo, prefers Valcalepio White if it is fresh, Valcalepio Rosso or Red Reserve if it is ripe. It 'also an excellent ingredient in the preparation of tasty recipes.

The forms are marked on the faces with a mark of red color for the production of the valley and blue color for summer production and most valuable of pasture.

Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1692 kj – 408 kcal Grassi / Fat 34 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 21 g) Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 0,5 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0,5 g) Proteine / Protein 25 g Sale 1,5 g - Sede di produzione Branzi (BG) - Riferimento interno: Bollo CEE IT 05 350 CEE – Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero. Origine del Latte: ITALIA – Formaggio a pasta dura, con crosta NON edibile.


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