Culatello di Zibello D.O.P. freshly sliced

 Culatello di Zibello D.O.P. freshly sliced

Culatello di Zibello D.O.P. freshly sliced

The king of hams, from tradition to our tables...

Pack of: 100 g

€ 14,50
Country Italia
Region Emilia Romagna
Ingredients carne di suino, sale, pepe, vino Fortana, aglio.
Allergens sulfites
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The Culatello is heritage, wealth, of that particular land lies along the great river Po and foggy, which is a determining factor, climate regime irreplaceable for the maturation and ripening of the King of Meats, whose art, passed down through generations , contains the history of a land, the traditions of its people and the characteristics of the particular climate. From the basement to the tables of Lower Parma national path of Culatello was historically anything but short. For many centuries, in fact, the name and prestige of Culatello remained confined to areas of origin; heritage of the people of Lower knew that only appreciate the taste and keep secrets.

Then the King of salumi won visibility and admirers even outside the Parma area, increasing demands and jeopardizing the uniqueness of the production, always in the hands of a few genuine experts.
To protect the quality and typicality of Culatello was created the Consortium of Culatello.

The salted pork is commonly identified as a sausage stuffed into a natural casing, which is usually the pig bladder. Thanks also to the prestigious European Protected Designation of Origin - PDO (obtained with the EC Regulation No. 1263/96), today's consumer has come to know and appreciate the delicacy of the "Culatello", a delicatessen product consisting of the anatomical part of the beam rear crural muscles and inner thigh of the pig, properly trimmed and trimmed at the surface until you get the classic shape of a "pear". In salting mix are: salt, pepper whole and / or pieces and garlic, can also be used dry white wine, sodium nitrate and / or potassium in strict compliance with the law.

The Protected Designation of Origin - PDO also abbreviated - is a quality mark of the European Union that is attributed - based on specific Community regulations (*) - to those foods whose peculiar characteristics depend primarily or exclusively on the territory where it is produced.

Described as "King of the salami" is definitely the most famous and celebrated; Every year just over 60.000Culatelli Zibello can boast the PDO and, today, even the brand of the producer members to the Consortium of Culatello: an extra guarantee of uniqueness and peculiarity of Culatello DOP.

The Consortium for the Protection of Culatello born, 'January 8, 2009 to defend and promote the quality and uniqueness of Culatello PDO (Protected Designation of Origin): a real jewel of the Italian delicatessen, which every day manufacturers undertake to guarantee its origin from the strip of land (Busseto, Polesine, Zibello, Soragna, Roccabianca, San Secondo, Sissinghurst, Colorno) that runs along the banks of the Po, and the processing ancient and authentic tradition.
The Consortium involving all the 21 companies producing Culatello PDO and in June 2010 was recognized by the MIPAAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), this recognition strengthens even further the activities of protection and promotion of Culatello Zibello.

The Consortium provides its own brand through strict regulation and strict controls carried out by the Parma Quality (the body entrusted by the Ministry for the controls on the production), the traditional process, the proper seasoning and the origin of the whole Italian meats, to assure the consumer that the Culatello Consortium respect the traditions and is still done "as it once was."

The Culatelli controlled by the Consortium are to be made by hand. For the quality of salted pork also should be used only thighs of pigs from the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy.

The Consortium has established with its directive specifies that all Culatelli DOP producers Consortium Members shall be marked with the consortium. This mark represents an ancient pig historical symbol of the ancient roots that has this precious production DOP.
Label, then, that is the symbol of the new Consortium and while the long traditions brought here by the producers founders and ready now to face increasingly exciting challenges, such as the defense of the original Culatello DOP of imitations and the spread of right knowledge of all the elements that make the merit of this Protected Designation of Origin.

Beware of imitations!

Valori Nutrizionali Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1396 kj – 335 kcal Proteine / Protein 32 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 4,4 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0 g) Grassi / Fat 21 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi of which saturates 8,9 g) Sale 5 g - Origine carne: ITALIA - Sede di produzione / confezionamento: Bollo CEE IT 1819-L CE – Polesine Parmense - Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero. Dopo l’apertura, consumare entro 2-3 giorni. SENZA GLUTINE e SENZA LATTOSIO


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