Noir de Bigorre raw ham - sliced

 Noir de Bigorre raw ham - sliced

Noir de Bigorre raw ham - sliced

One of the rarest raw hams ever… a very interesting tasting experience! Slow Food Presidium

Pack of: 100 g

Out of stock
Country Francia
Region Pirenei
Ingredients Prosciutto di suino nero di Bigorre, sale di Salies-de-Béarn
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The Noir de Bigorre pig is the oldest breed of pig known in France. Similar to the Spanish Iberico, this breed is deep black in color and originated in the foothills of the French Pyrenees in the area around Nébouzanne, which stretches between the departments of Haute-Garonne, Haute-Pyrénées and Gers. This robust and vigorous breed can handle hot weather and fares best when raised free-range on pasture. The Bigorre has small ears that stick out horizontally from the head and is an incredibly calm animal.
As with many rare breeds, the Noir de Bigorre pig grows much more slowly than most commercial breeds, increasing only 450g a day in weight, in contrast with the 800g a day of other modern breeds. This breed also has a much higher percentage of fat, with only 43% lean meat compared to an average of 56% among industrial breeds, and this abundant fat makes for exceptional flavor. The Noir de Bigorre pig is not adapted for intensive farming and therefore has been at risk of extinction, as farmers increasingly choose to maximize production over quality. In the 1930s, 28,000 head of Noir de Bigorre pigs grazed the pastures of the Pyrenees. 40 years later, only a few hundred remained. The breed also lost genetic integrity due to frequent interbreeding. In 1981, 34 heads of pure-breed Noir de Bigorre pigs were documented, and at that point, a group of agricultural technicians and breeders decided to join together to save the breed.
The most important product made from the Noir de Bigorre pig is a ham cured from 18 to 24 months, cut into thin slices and served at room temperature. It has a long-lasting scent and flavor.

There are around fifty breeders and producers of cured meat in the Consortium du Noir de Bigorre. Noir de Bigorre has a product certification (CCP), which correlates with a production protocol that outlines rigid rules for production and animal husbandry. Although this same level of certification does not govern the production of cured sausage and bacon, these products are always made from the meat of animals raised free-range all year long at a population density of less than 25 head per hectare.
Today, the center that the producers founded to produce ham and other cured meats processes the pork of 5,000 pigs (not exclusively Noir de Bigorre pig), but must double that amount in order to become self-sufficient.
The objective of this Presidium is to continue to promote and conserve the Noir de Bigorre pig breed through products like the Noir de Bigorre prosciutto, cured sausages, and fresh meat.

Production area
Haute-Garonne, Haute-Pyrénées and Gers departments, Midi-Pyrénées region
Presidium supported by Région Midi-Pyrénées
Fonte: Slow Food

Origine carne: FRANCIA – Riferimento importatore: Répertoire Culinaire IT Via Gemona, 63 33038 San Daniele del Friuli Italy - Alcune informazioni (es. lotto, eventuale data di scadenza o altro indipendentemente da noi), potrebbero differire rispetto a quanto evidenziato sul sito; in caso di dubbi non esitate a contattarci via mail. Verificate sempre quanto riportato in etichetta sul prodotto prima di consumarlo.

Conservare in frigorifero. Dopo l’apertura, consumare entro 2-3 giorni.


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