Esplanade spicy sliced

 Esplanade Calabrian spicy sliced ​​from us

Esplanade spicy sliced

For lovers of strong flavors...

Pack of: 200 g

€ 6,90
Country Italia
Region Calabria
Ingredients See below
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Typical salami produced with ground pork meat choice quite late which is then mixed with the diced bacon, a bit of salt and several Calabrian chili powder. Is then stuffed into natural casings and crushed so that it takes the typical form that has given rise to the very name of this salami.

Good for a drink "ritty", the esplanade Calabrese is also suitable for the preparation of croutons or in addition to some gravy; almost superfluous to add that it is a wonder on a pizza "devilish".

Ingredienti: carne di suino, conserva di peperone (peperone, sale, antiossidante E300), sale, aromi, spezie, destrosio, antioosidante E301, Conservanti E252 (Potassio Nitrato), E250 (Nitrito di Sodio). Carne origine: UE - SENZA GLUTINE


Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1567 kj – 378 kcal Proteine / Protein 22,0 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 0,5 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 0,5 g) Grassi / Fat 32,0 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 11,2 g) Sale 4,5 g - Sede di produzione e responsabile delle informazioni: Bollo CEE IT 1230L CE - Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero. Dopo l’apertura, consumare entro 2-3 giorni. Origine: UE



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